
Thanks is an upcoming feature designed to foster a culture of recognition and gratitude within your organization. This tool allows team members to send kudos to colleagues, recognize peers for their contributions, and easily thank people in Slack. Additionally, it collects gratitude messages that can be shared on a specific date, making it easy to celebrate achievements and show appreciation.

Benefits of Using Thanks

Enhanced Team Morale

Thanks boosts team morale by providing a simple and effective way for employees to recognize and appreciate each other's efforts. Regular recognition helps create a positive work environment where everyone feels valued.

Streamlined Recognition

With Thanks, sending kudos and thank-you messages is seamless, especially with integration into Slack. This feature ensures that recognition is timely and easily shared, promoting a culture of appreciation.

Encourages Peer Recognition

Thanks encourages peer-to-peer recognition, empowering team members to acknowledge each other's hard work and contributions. This peer-driven approach helps build stronger, more collaborative relationships.

Collect and Share Gratitude

Thanks allows you to collect gratitude messages over time and share them on specific dates, such as company anniversaries, team meetings, or special events. This feature ensures that appreciation is not only spontaneous but also celebrated collectively.

Key Features

Send Kudos

Easily send kudos to colleagues for their outstanding work and contributions. Acknowledge efforts big and small, and let your team members know their hard work is noticed and appreciated.

Recognize Peers

Enable peer-to-peer recognition, allowing team members to highlight the positive impact their colleagues have on their work and the team as a whole.

Slack Integration

Integrate Thanks with Slack to streamline the process of sending thank-you messages and kudos. This integration ensures that recognition is a natural part of your team's daily communication.

Create Smile Files

Gather messages from team members to be shared on a specific date. This feature helps create memorable moments of collective appreciation, reinforcing a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Key Features

Basic Information Display

Team members can display their basic information, including name, job title, department, and contact details. This ensures that everyone has access to essential information about their colleagues.

Photo Sharing

People Profiles allows individuals to share photos, providing a visual representation that helps humanize team members and make connections more personal.

Favorite Quotes

Team members can share their favorite quotes, offering a glimpse into their values, inspirations, and sense of humor. This feature adds a personal touch to profiles and fosters a deeper understanding among colleagues.

Personality Insights

People Profiles encourages individuals to share insights about their personality, such as hobbies, interests, and fun facts. This feature helps colleagues find common ground and build stronger relationships.


People Profiles integrates with the Badges feature, allowing team members to create and award badges to celebrate accomplishments, display badges to show membership and create community, and automatically recognize people for important milestones and achievements. This feature enhances the recognition culture within the organization.

Key Features

Basic Information Display

Team members can display their basic information, including name, job title, department, and contact details. This ensures that everyone has access to essential information about their colleagues.

Photo Sharing

People Profiles allows individuals to share photos, providing a visual representation that helps humanize team members and make connections more personal.

Favorite Quotes

Team members can share their favorite quotes, offering a glimpse into their values, inspirations, and sense of humor. This feature adds a personal touch to profiles and fosters a deeper understanding among colleagues.

Personality Insights

People Profiles encourages individuals to share insights about their personality, such as hobbies, interests, and fun facts. This feature helps colleagues find common ground and build stronger relationships.


People Profiles integrates with the Badges feature, allowing team members to create and award badges to celebrate accomplishments, display badges to show membership and create community, and automatically recognize people for important milestones and achievements. This feature enhances the recognition culture within the organization.

Apps to keep your team with the times.